Acupunctur is a holistic treatment method that can help with most complaints and diseases. It works on two levels: the acute symptoms are treated and at the same time the underlying systemic weakness that may have led to the symptoms. Vitality and the body's own self-healing abilities are thereby strenghthend.
Point selection is made through precise questioning, including pulse and tongue diagnosis, which varies individually from person to person. For about 2000 years acupuncture has been practiced and developed as part of Chinese medicine in China and other Asian countries.
Acupuncture has proven to be effective for a variety of diseases and ailments. The treatment works on a cumulative basis; the number of acupuncture sessions depends on the type of disease and whether it is acute or chronic.
I use very thin, high-quality needles and a special needle technique, making the treatment relaxing and completely painless. A consultation to determine whether acupuncture is the right treatment individual cases is, of course, fee of charge.
Schulstr. 13
82131 Gauting
Tel: 08151 950 33 75
Termine nach telefonischer Vereinbarung oder per E-mail an:
anja.stiehle (at)