Japanese Acupuncture

Japanese acupunture and Toyohari are gentle, effective and painless treatment methods. In Japan, acupuncture was and is a traditional profession for blind people, which involves a sensitive approach to diagnosis, point location and needling. Japanese acupuncture differs from Chinese acupuncture (practiced today) less in theory than in practical application.


Japanese acupuncture uses high quality, thin needles an a special needle technique that makes the treatment completely painless and relaxing. This goes back to a blind Japanese acupuncturist named Waichi Sugiyama from the 17th century, who invented the guide tube to be able to needle better.  In 1920, a group of acupuncturists formed around Sodo Okabe, Keiri Inoue and Sorei Yanagiya, who examined and tested one of the old classical medical texts, the NanJing  for it's clinical applicability. The result was the Japanese Meridian Therapy (Keiraku Chiryo), which places particular emphasis on causative treatment. This not only treats symptoms, but also stimulates the body's self-healing abilities, thus strenghening the vitality of the person.